audio-tactile is based on wearable multi-channel systems wich creates
the circulation of tactile and sound stimulations on the surface of the
body possible. The skin perceives the frequency modulations in the form
of differentiated tactile feelings. These localised vibrations feel
quiet different from those perceived more homogenously all over the
body in usual amplified music concerts.
Here, the vibration is perceptible locally on the skin where the
speaker is placed, even with very low volume.
Concerning our sense of hearing in the audio-tactile « the
less we
hear, the more we will hear ». To activate the bone conduction
perception of sound we have to pertubate the organ by wearing earplugs.
By reducing the natural acoustic perception of the surrounding space
they increase our attention to our one body space. These sounds have no
localization in space and are perceived like coming from inside the
body. The body becomes a resonance box with a spatialized diffusion.
The tactile synthesia in the audio-tactile systems makes it possible to
transmit a pallet of rough, smooth or rythmical singular sensations to
the skin. The synesthaesia of listening and feeling presents unusual
possibilities to connect body and spaces through sonic material.
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STiMULiNE project is a prolongation of the previous audio-tactile
installations started in 2003 by Lynn Pook and Julien Clauss. This
projects grows from a sculptural practice exploring the proxemic
relationship between audience and object. It reduces at maximum the
distance between object and audience and acts directly on and in the
body space. Creating first installations for a reduced amount of
people, Stimuline follows the scenographic research on the position of
the listener, the relationship between the audience members and
confronts the perception of real space with that of virtual spaces
perceived through the interface. It opens a fictional space built on
the tactile dimension of the sound which binds architecture to the
perception of the body in our contemporary political environment. This
polysensorial concert changes the usual codes of a concert. The
audience becomes part of the scenography and is immersed in the noisy
and minimal sound played on his skin.
overall suit

overall suits created in collaboration with the designer Sarah Veillon
are the heart of the performance. We developped interfaces in size
S/M/L, made up out of a network of straps, cables, hook-and-loop tape,
textile and rubber bands. They allow a quick and precise positioning of
the 15 transducers on any kind of morphologie.
The multi
channel system
matrix box routes the 15 channels signal into 30 cables which are
connected to the interfaces. The real time played and spazialised
sounds travel on 20 channels : the 15 channels wearable sound sytem on
the body and the in ten space located external 4.1 channels sound
system. The 4.1 system placed into the space plays the distant sounds
used sometimes as complement of the narrow played sounds on the body.
realtime 20 channel spacialisation tools
spacialisation of the sounds on this 20 channel multiphonic system
permit to precisely define the circulation and the balance of the
sounds on body and environment.
spacialisation is done in realtime with specialy developped interfaces
and software : joystick, puppet with sensors, spatialisation tools and
realtime sound design tools.